We have been so lucky to have amazing people all around us on this journey for Parkinson's disease. Jim Pettus, who was there right at the begining, and his son Dave, who lives in Virginia, were able to join Skip and Arch for dinner last night. Jim had traveled to Virginia from Oregon to visit his kids, and his timing couldn't be better! He was only 40 minutes away when we rolled into Christiansburg, VA.
We also recieved one of the most touching letters this morning from Jon Hutchins, who works at the front desk at the Quality Inn where we spent the night. It's an unbeleivable feeling to know what your doing has inspired someone like that. We wish you all the best in everything you do Jen, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Your show of support and your beautiful words are he biggest kind of support we could wish for because it came from your heart.
It looks like we should be crossing the finish line sometime on the 18th of September!!!
Thanks to Stephanie Padgette, we will be staying at the Marl Inn Bed and Breakfast. If you'd like to know more about becoming part of the welcoming party for Skip, please e-mail me at coasttocoastforpd@hotmail.com
This Coast to Coast Adventure across 4280 miles had been one of the most inspiration and memorable trips we have ever been and may ever be on! I feel like there is no way to properly thank all the people that have helped us, supported us, been there every step of the way in heart and mind. It is because of all of you that we were able to make this journey what it is, one of the many steps towards a cure for Parkinson's Disease.
I think maybe, that I was writing with weary hand....but I'll claim insanity instead. It's actually Jon and not Jen....oh well! I'm glad you enjoyed the note and really hope it helped you all along on a great day!