Saturday, August 15, 2009

Out of connection

Since I was last able to update you guys, I believe we were in Council, Idaho.  Since then, we stopped in Kooskia, Montana.  We stayed at an Inn that had a reindeer on the roof, and met some very nice people.  After that it was onto Lolo Hot Springs, Mt.  Which after a long day of biking in the rain, and showing up mighty cold from a 100 mile steady climb, and then the inevitable descent, Skip couldn't get warm fast enough!  We were unfortunately one day early for the Grateful Dead impersonators concert, but we did take a dip in the mineral hot spring they had, which got Skip's blood flowing again.  After a good nights sleep, the next stop was supposed to bring us to the base of Chief Joseph Pass, an over 7100 ft climb, where Skip would take a half days rest before beginning the ascent.  Unfortunately, planning wasn't in our favor!  So, due to some inter-mitten thunderstorms, Skip decided it would be good to go to Missoula, Mt, where he could visit the Adventure Cyclist Association, where we get all our maps from.  What we didn't realize, is that Missoula isn't exactly on our route... They take you about 20 miles off course.  Oh well, next time we will know!  Having only done 35.37 miles, Skip took the rest of the day off, so we all could get reorganized.  
 Skip is currently back on the road!  He is on his way to Chief Joseph Pass!! Arch and I are are getting ready to meet him at the base, and then again at the top.  So wish us luck, Team Fox is headed to the top! 

On another note, we've done some math, and Skip has raised approximately 75 cent to the mile that he has been on the bike!  We would like to thank everyone who has become a part of this event towards a cure for Parkinson's Disease.  It's been great to have Arch, Skip's father along, who fights daily with this currently incurable disease.  If you like to show your support for Arch and Skip, please feel free to visit our Team Fox link at the top left of our Blog.  Let's all get together to shorten the road to a cure!!

If you'd like more information on how to donate, or get involved, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at 
Thank you all again, your support is priceless