We reached Rawlins, Wyoming late afternoon, yesterday. On our way, and when we arrived, we met some great people. Skip would like to make a quick shout out to Mario from Muddy Gap! And I'd like to thank Lisa for the great dinner suggestion!
I'd also like to let Jim know that I did get your message! Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. But if you like to e-mail me at coasttocoastforPD@hotmail.com, I'd be able to get back to you a little sooner... :)
So today Skip got on his bike, loaded with as much water as we could attach to him, and is currently on his way to Walden, Colorado! So if you happen to be in the area, and see Skip on his red bike, he'd really appreciate a little extra hydration! (Just tell him Ashley sent you ;)! )
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read our blog, and make a donation! We have reached $6195.80! It makes us proud to be a part of this great adventure, knowing you guys are right there along with us.
L-E would like to send out a hello to her friends she met at the Continental Divide! Hope you guys are having a great time in Yellowstone.
As our adventure progresses, we have seen so many different kinds of landscapes, from the beautiful Pacific Ocean, through the mountains and herds of bison, and into the open, where you can see for miles and miles. In the next couple of days, we will be reaching Hoosier Pass, at over 11,000 feet! From there, it's all the way back down to just above sea level. We've been traveling at around 5000 to 8000 feet since Skip climbed the Continental Divide for the first time.
Last night, L-E and I had another National Geographic moment. While out for an evening walk and a little exploring of our current location, we came upon a family of deer. There were two does, with three little ones diligently trailing behind. I'm not sure who saw who first, but we all stopped to observe each other, expect for L-E. Only after a couple minutes of wondering why I was suddenly standing very still and starring off into the distance, did she start to question my motives. She finally realized what was going on, when the two does decided to get a better look at me!! They actually walked over until they were about 40 feet away. L-E was curious about them, but stayed very quiet and just looked. When they had confirmed we weren't a threat, they continued on. (Another time I don't have my camera!!!)
We will be packing up and heading on now in a little bit, on to find out what's around the bend...
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